Thursday, February 10, 2011

Step 1 Board Exam scheduled...insert sense of impending doom

I just scheduled my step 1 date. It's going to be June 4th at 9AM. It lasts 8 hours, I'll be outta there by 5PM and asleep or drunk or comatose from food by 8PM.

I'll have exactly 5 weeks to study for it....I have no plan on how to do that yet.

Step 1 is probably the most important exam you'll ever take as a med student. For the most part, it determines the type of residency you'll get into, if you can get into something competitive like Dermatology or Radiation Oncology. Or it determines the location of your residency. It tests knowledge from the first 2 years of medical school. It's more memorization than it is thinking, or so I've heard.

So that's what's ahead of me right now

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