Tuesday, December 23, 2008


So for some reason, Drexel is releasing their grades one by one, one each day. These fall semester grades will partially determine if med schools deem me worthy to breathe their rarified air and grant me an interview...or at least a personalized rejection of how if it were up to them, they'd admit me in an instant...blah blah blah...with an actual signature that smudges when you run a wet finger over it!

So far, 4 scores have been released and my GPA-O-Meter sits at 3.81...no thanks to the B I got in Physiology. Man that class just kicks my ass, I dunno why. I'm stupid for physiology, that's a bad sign, it means that I'm going to be a terrible doctor who will mistake a coronary artery for a vagus nerve and cause a massive drop in cardiac output by pinching what I thought was the vagus nerve but is actually the coronary artery....nevermind that they are in wildly different places and look completely different...under a microscope...just kidding, they are different with your bare eyes...speaking of eyes, did you know eyes are the only place in your body you can see parts of your central nervous system (CNS for you nerdy types)

Anyway, just in case you wondered how smart I really was...I'm 3.81 smart baby...you better believe it....wouldn't trust me with your coronary circulation tho... :\

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